Monday, October 31, 2011

Here it is All!!

     Greetings to all of you this afternoon. It's been a long road but here is the final Poster for this year's Halloween. Muwahahahahahaha!!!

Happy Halloween to you all. Be Safe out there Tonight!! Stay Roge /;) HmmHmhmhmhmhmhmmmmmmm...

Friday, October 28, 2011

Here's where we are so far

     Hey everybody! So this is the progress on the Halloween poster so far... I like it but there's still some things that I need to add to it.

Next we have the rough thumbnails of the Child elf leader concepts. I will choose my top 3 favorite thumbnails and use those to mock up some concept sketches.

     Hope ya'll like the new stuff and I'll be back with you all later. Oh by the way. For those of you who keep up with me on the regular you may have noticed new tabs at the top of my blog. These will be new pages for particular elements on the blog. At the current time some of them are blank but that will change in the relatively near future. So until then I hope you like this post and I'll be back with you guys later. Stay Roge /;) 

Monday, October 24, 2011

And The Winner is.....

You are in for a treat today everyone, I have "2" count 'em "2" pictures for you!! The first is the peoples choice for which color variation of the Halloween Poster that (the people who gave me feedback) chose. That would be option number "1" (round of applause)

The second is the winner is for the elf leader concept sketches I did last post. I though long and "kinda" hard about what feel I wanted to go for and I decided that the child leader concept that I made would be a good challenge as far as making an animated puppet goes, just for kicks :). I will be doing more thumbnails of this character so ill be going rougher than the first round. Now I'm going for a feel, of the characters personality through his or her appearance, now that I have a firm focus of what kind of character the leader will be (round of applause) 

I shall have the poster done by either this Friday or by the Day of Monsters (Halloween) Monday. Shooting for before then. So until next time ya'll. Stay Roge /;)

Friday, October 21, 2011

Pressing on...

Hey everybody.So here's what's goin down. I'm gonna continue my make shift "pole" for which pumpkin girl image I should use for the Halloween poster all the way until Monday so I will post the deciding image then. In the mean time I've done some "Elf Leader" rough drawings. These are just some basic ideas to get the creative juices flowing. Just for fun I wanna try and make an animatable puppet of one of these. Again people tell me what you think, and I hope you enjoy the images. Constructive critique always welcome:) Till next time ya'll. Stay Roge /;)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Halloween is almost upon us!

Hey everybody! So I decided to take a little break from doing work on "PROJECT SPIRIT" just for a bit of a change in pace. I'm doing a Halloween poster for 2011. I decided to go with a sort of pin up type of theme, I'm new to it so bare with me ;). I'm just trying to decide on the color placement. I decided to involve you guys, like I always do, to give your input and constructive feed back just to see what you all think. The color scheme is an Analogues scheme from the CMYK color wheel. Trying not to jump the gun and propel straight into the detail, of shadows, glows and all else, I put in the base colors for my current thoughts as far as placement and color harmony. Pick your favorite and tell why por favor. Hope ya'll like what I've got so far and I hope to here from at least ONE of you, but the more the.... oh forget it everybody come on!! haha. Till next time all you monsters out there. Stay Roge /;) MUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAA!!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Here's the Deal Guys....

     Hey Everyone! So here's what's going down. I've decided to limit my postings to just 2 a week. The reason I'm doing this is because I feel that if I have more time to exercise my artistic abilities I will be able to give you stuff that is of a higher caliber than what I have been. Don't get me wrong I'm working hard to try and have something good for you guys every few days, I'm just not satisfied with the level of quality I'm currently putting out. I feel you guys are worth me spending more time to give you something "Great." That being said, I will be posting new stuff on Mondays and Fridays now. Now on to some fun stuff, I have started looking into body types for the player character(s) in "PROJECT SPIRIT" and I decided to start with the Guys (just for the sake of familiarity) I'm starting with 3 basic forms Average, Big, and Skinny. I want your opinions on this just to see what everyone thinks. That means you all you character customization fanatics out there lol. So here's just a rough of those three forms. This project will be done in the Simple level of Character design detail. Hope ya'll like, and till next time. Stay Roge /;)

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Heaven, Hell, and the Balance Between

Hey Gang! So here's what's going on, this post: I decided to do a few weapon concepts for "PROJECT SPIRIT." I don't know why but for some reason I thought Axes. So Anyway the way the order goes is from top to bottom Heaven, Balance, and Hell. These are just the first rough passes at this theme next I will probably break them off into their individual elements stated in the last sentence and do about 10 or so weapon concepts of this type, so keep that in mind for future concepts ;). I hope you guys like what you see and if you have any constructive critiques or ideas feel free to comment, it's always helpful to hear feedback. So until next time people. Stay Roge /;)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Very very Rough...

Here are those rough sketches I promised you guys a day and a half ago. These at the moment are VERY simple sketches illustrating what the rough character design is going to be for this project that I'm working on. The Idea is for a 2D side scrolling flash game. Right now the whole Idea is in the realm of the imaginative and random napkin sketches. A title is still in the works so for now the code name for this project will be PROJECT SPIRIT. That sounds pretty good no :). Anyway I hope you guys like these sketches and I should be back with more in the future, but for now enjoy the pic yah'll. Stay Roge /;)

Friday, October 7, 2011

The Window to the Soul

Heyyyyyyyyyy Yahhhhhhhhhhhhhh'lll!!! Haha Sorry about that, I just had an Andre 3000 moment :) Anyway, guys this post is gonna be just words this time. Sorry but I had a rather tough day on the stomach and its a bit hard to come up with "good" work when your body and mind aren't agreeing and in sync. However I have some good news! I will be doing concept art for an Idea that Struck me at work. Over the next day and a half I will work on the rough drawings. Sorry this post is kinda short, but I don't have much to say this time hehe. So until next time everyone :) Stay Roge /;)

(Hint) My project relates to this post title ;)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What is a SIMPLE level Character?

Back on our journey to ascend the Character Hierarchy tower of detail we began nicely with ICONIC, now we are coming up on level 2 SIMPLE. SIMPLE characters in the grand scheme of things aren't that different from the prior level. SIMPLE characters are usually very stylized like the ICONIC and are also just as graphic in simplicity; but the SIMPLE are more expressive "facially" than their predecessors. Most of the time this is the level of detail you will see in TV and Web cartoons. Examples of this level of character would be the old SONIC the Hedgehog, Dexters Lab, and Samurai Jack. I have taken the liberty of again giving you guys a visual of my interpretation of this detail definition. Hope you like them. Stay Roge/;)

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Prepare for Level 2..... The Simple

 Muwahahahahaaaahaaaaaa. Hey there everyone. Last month I started on a theme and that was I was going to try and do things according to the levels of Character Design Detail. This month, the scariest month of them all, I will be doing things according to the 2nd level of the Character Design Hierarchy which is SIMPLE level characters. There for what better way to start than with a good vampire I thought :) In the next post I'll explain what the SIMPLE level of Character Design is. Until then all my night owls.... Stay Roge Muwahahahahahaaaaaaaaaa /;)